Dr. Cindy Sumarauw graduated from Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, in Loma Linda, California in 1998. She graduated with the Prosthodontics Award having excelled in dentures and partial denture fabrications in her class. After working as an associate for 2 years in California, she and her husband moved to Salt Lake City, Utah in 2000 where she worked in Orem for 7 months. She started her own practice in October of 2001, named it Cadenza Family Dentistry. (Cadenza is a musical term where a soloist plays without the rest of the orchestra to show her virtuoso–much like the solo dental practice she started.)
After working with Invisalign, Dr. Sumarauw decided to pursue more knowledge and training in orthodontics and completed her training with Progressive Orthodontics Seminars in 2008. Consequently she also added training in placing dental implants with companies such as Ankylos as well as Bicon.
In 2007, she also purchased the Waterlase MD, Erbium Laser Machine to add to her dental armamentarium that is comfortable for patient treatments. To date she is still the only female dentist who owns and uses the Waterlase MD in the office for restorative as well as periodontal procedures.
The accumulation of all her additional training and having passed the rigorous test, have resulted in her achieving the Fellowship Award with the Academy of General Dentistry in 2010.
Dr. Sumarauw has also studied further into the subject of Occlusion and TMJ with the Pankey Institute, completing Essential Courses 1, 2, 3 in Miami, Florida as of October 2015.
In October 2014 she added the CEREC machine into the practice, making it easier for patients to have their crowns done, same day in office with very little or no need for temporary crowns.
In 2016, she has finished all the requirements for a Mastership for the Academy of General Dentistry and is marching at the Convocation Service in Boston, July 16, 2016. Currently she will be the only female dentist in Utah with this Mastership Award.
Dr. Sumarauw has always loved seeing every member of a family when it comes to dental care. Partial dentures, full dentures, pediatric treatments, root canal treatments, implants, and orthodontics are still a large part of the practice. She will continue with the general family care while the increasing standards of the cosmetic part of her practice. She is currently working towards achieving Accreditation Status with the AACD. However, she realizes successful cosmetic dentistry is only the end result of stable, comfortable, and healthy function that must precede it.
On the home front, she and her husband are blessed with two sons born 2011 and 2013. Her husband, Derek Sakata MD, works for the University of Utah Hospital.
Dental School
- Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, 1998
- Lumineers
- Invisalign
- Waterlase MD
- Standard Laser Proficiency, Academy of Laser Dentistry
- Six Month Smiles Orthodontic System
- Cfast Orthodontic System
- Pankey Institute
- CEREC Cad/Cam
- Academy of General Dentistry
- Utah Dental Association
- Academy of Laser Dentistry
- American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
- Pankey Alumnus
Advanced Training
- General Orthodontics, Progressive Orthodontics Seminars
- Surgical Principles of Dental Implants, Bicon Institute
- Mini Dental Implants
- Nobel Biocare
- Ankylos
Advanced degree
- Fellow of Academy of General Dentistry, FAGD 2010
- Master of the Academy of General Dentistry, MAGD 2016
- The only female dentist in Utah with the MAGD degree–The highest professional designation in the AGD
Contact info:
999 East Murray Holladay Rd.,Suite 105,
Holladay, UT 84117