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Dr. Sease was born in Roanoke, Virginia, and raised in Prince George’s County, Maryland. By 1973, he had completed his undergraduate studies in health and physical education at Hampton University and his master’s degree in education at Northwestern University. From 1973 to 1978, Dr. Sease taught physical education and was an athletic coach in the public school system. Through the encouragement of good friends and family, Dr. Sease made the decision to pursue a lifelong aspiration. In 1978, he enrolled at Howard University Dental School and graduated in 1982. From 1982 to 1989, he practiced dentistry for the Public Health Services in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Health and Human Services for the District government.


In 1989, Dr. Sease joined The Dental Group, where he is currently a practicing partner. “My objective is to provide a wide range of cosmetic and restorative services with care, comfort and expertise, especially for those who have not sought dental treatment due to fear or embarrassment,” says Dr. Sease, “I prefer the group practice of dentistry because it allows me to stay abreast of the rapid technological advances that are developing in the field of health and dentistry. It has been most gratifying for me to offer my patients the finest dental care available.”



The Dental Group

6200 Baltimore Ave, Riverdale, MD 20737



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Dr. Tillman R. Sease Jr., DDS - America's Top 50 Dentists - Riverdale, Maryland

    © 2023 by America's Top 50 Dentists. 

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